Copyright © 2012 Above And Beyond Academy - Bay Point, Ca 94565

A Christian Home School Community Above And Beyond Academy

Academic Foundation

Our school is exemplified by Christian families partnering with Above and Beyond Academy for Biblical support and godly values. Our environment nurtures enthusiastic scholars, passionate disciples, and responsible citizens while adhering to a Christian world view reflected in every aspect of the school. We help prepare our students to meet the challenges and conflicts we all encounter in life.

Partnering with parents, we place students on a God designed path for college, UC’s, graduate school, trade school, apprenticeships, entrepreneurships, the armed forces, ministry, the mission field, the work place, or wherever the Lord may lead.

Jesus accepts us into His family as we are. We extend this same grace to our AABA families. We are all a work in progress. It is our hope in our Academy that we all continue to grow in our faith and service, supporting one another in our dedication to the Lord, and our homeschool community.


Spiritual Development

Students will be taught in a loving environment for spiritual growth, knowledge of the Bible, and service to the   Lord Jesus Christ.

Students will be taught Christ-like character traits as applied to themselves for service to God and others.

Students will be taught knowledge of scripture and eventually be able to share and apply Biblical truth as a   guide for life.

Students will be taught a Biblical world view for their lives in order to be Godly, responsible citizens.

Character Development

Students will be motivated to take personal responsibility for their own behavior and learning.

Students will be motivated to develop skills to work cooperatively toward common goals and will demonstrate   conflict resolution using Biblical principles.

Students will be motivated to demonstrate respect for one's self and others.

         Students will be motivated to become responsible citizens who conduct themselves with personal integrity.

Academic Development

Students will meet or exceed the California State Standards and requirements that are compatible with a   Biblical worldview in language arts, social sciences, science, and mathematics.

Students will learn critical thinking and problem solving skills across the curriculum including application,   analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Students may learn skills in the use of technology across the curriculum.

Students may learn at least intermediate writing and speaking ability in a foreign language.

Students will work with parents to prepare a plan for post-high school education, service, and/or careers of   their choice.

We believe first and foremost that homeschooling is NOT about academic success; rather, it is about a relationship with Jesus; learning all about Him, learning to serve Him, learning to live in His grace and love, and to extend love to those around us, first in our family, then to the community around us.


We strongly believe that the HOME is the key element. We institute a whole family focus. Our events and offerings are planned for family participation.  We plan a few group activities to encourage family friendships and fellowship with like-minded families. We are careful not to over commit our families and take away from what is most important...home, family, and your dedication to homeschool.


We leave curriculum choice and teaching methods to our parents' discretion.

We’re here to mentor and council in Your choices.

We invest in family ministry opportunities to encourage our students to serve and be involved in the lives of            others.


Homeschooling for the sole purpose of college is not our intent. We believe in homeschooling to the glory of God. Some graduates will go on to pursue a college education or go to Trade schools, into ministries, some enlist in the Armed Forces; others continue more extensive educational fields.


We’ve seen our AABA graduates set institutions of higher learning on fire for the glory of God. Christian education produces young men and women full of vibrant ideas, distinguished character, a heart for this nation, and the nations beyond.

Let’s Get Started- Helps

Getting Started information from the Home School Legal Defense Association

Click HERE


An Introduction to Home Education, From CHEA of CA.

Click HERE

Ten “Getting Started” articles from The Teaching Home magazine.

Click HERE

Private Schools

Private schools operate under the provision of the California Education Code Section 48222 and in accordance, Above and Beyond Academy files a Private School Affidavit with the state each year. The California Department of Education has made provision for independent study programs through CEC Sections 51745, 51746 based on SB 1591 (1976), SB 1501 (1976), AB 3202 (1979), and AB 3269 (1980). A case ruling has said that which the state provides for public schools is allowable for private schools as well. Therefore, Above and Beyond Academy, established specifically to meet the needs of home education families, follows to the best of its ability the guidelines outlined by the state in its “A Manual of Operational Procedures and Curriculum Guide for Contract Independent Study” (1981). As a private school with independent study support, Above and Beyond Academy guides and monitors each family’s education program under a PSP Contract signed by the parents and filed with the school’s administrator. However, each family is in control of the education of their children by choosing their own methods and materials.


Our desire is to glorify God in all we do, especially as we educate our children at home with devotion to prayer   and fervent character development.

AABA knows it is imperative to give Biblical counsel and Biblical perspective, equipping parents to build up   the love of Christ in their children’s hearts.

We believe God has given each child special gifts, talents, and personalities to reach their maximum potential   for a prosperous life honoring the Lord, walking in His truth and sharing their faith with the world.

We encourage you to work at your student’s individual levels and abilities in achieving spiritual and academic   goals fitting your child’s particular needs.

We support your endeavor to give balance in Christian academics, outside classes, and outside activities.

AABA is committed to assisting you with proven methods to dramatically improve the quality of your daily life   as you learn to recognize God's guidance to know what to do, when, and why.

Parental Responsibility

Ensure that one parent is at home during school hours and teaching 180 days during the school year.

Parents shall teach their own families at least 51 percent of the time to keep focused on their priority to   educate their students.

Parents provide curriculum, do lesson planning, maintain a record of daily work, and evaluate student’s   progress.

All decisions relating to educational philosophy and methods, home schooling style, selection of books,   teaching material, and curriculum grading and evaluations are the parent’s choice.

The outcome of your student’s education rests on you and your student’s efforts.

With this is mind members of Above and Beyond Academy will teach in the following subjects each year:

Bible – Living a Christian life – teaching a Christian world view

English – Language Arts


History/Geography – Social Sciences/Cultures


Fine Arts


Physical Education

High school students will have additional classes fitting their individual 4 year planning toward graduation and college or their future endeavor.

Record Keeping

1. Course of Study

We are required by law to keep a course of study (Course Description)  on file for every enrolled student. On this form you are to list the subject, title, publisher, and grade level. This form is to be turned in at the beginning of each school year.

2. Attendance Record

We are required by law to keep attendance for all students. This form is to be turned in quarterly.

3. Quarterly Goals/Plans and Evaluations

(Grades K-12) Use this to set goals for each area of study listed on the Course of Study and/or what will be reflected on the report card. Teacher’s guides can be helpful here. Be realistic about how much you can cover. The objectives are to be filled out at the beginning of each quarter and kept as a reference. At the end of the quarter it is very simple to evaluate whether or not the objectives were met. If the objectives were mastered, you are ready to move on to the next step in that area of learning. If any other box is checked, you will probably need to spend more time in this area of study. The QG&E is a planning tool and is not required to be submitted.

4. Monthly Record

A helpful form listing daily and weekly subjects that are taught during the month. This is very helpful as you look back for information listing assignments, projects completed, books read, etc. This is a planning tool and is not required to be submitted.

5. Transcript Worksheet

A transcript worksheet is required at the completion of each year of study for both Jr. and Sr. high school students. The transcript worksheet must be turned in before a transcript can be produced and credit can be documented.

If you have any questions or experience any difficulty understanding the required student records, please contact the school office for assistance.

6. Report Card

The report card is our official report of student progress and achievement in each subject area. On the report card, list grades for the quarter for subjects that apply to your child. Do not grade subjects you have not taught. Not all subjects on the report card have to be taught at every grade level.

Grade your child according to how he/she has performed on assignments and tests.

Grades1-3 may use this code or give letter grades:

I-Needs to Improve


E- Excellent

Grades 4-12 use letter grades based on the following percentiles:

93%= A  

90%= A-  

87%= B+  

84%= B  

80%= B-  

77%= C+

74%= C

70%= C-

Find more help on grading and evaluating student progress by referring to the AABA Handbook under evaluating student progress.

To See How We Measure Up

Click HERE

High School Standards

High school planning is very important. We want to encourage and guide each student so that all necessary subjects are taken in preparation for college or a vocation. While one of the blessings of Homeschool is that the course of study can be tailored to emphasize areas of giftedness or special interest, it is also important to offer a solid foundation in all the major subject areas to keep all possibilities open since goals may change as students mature throughout the high school years.  

If you have a student who plans to receive a diploma from Above and Beyond Academy, we recommend that he/she work through the list of required classes (in any order), and add the appropriate number of electives to reach 240 credits. Whenever that occurs, the student may graduate. How much time this takes may vary for different students and is not a factor for Above and Beyond Academy. Diplomas are granted based on completion of the required credits in the stated areas of study and successfully passing the proficiency exam. A High School Course Description must be on file for each course to be taken for credit.  

Course Description and Standard

A course description and standard is to be on file for every course receiving high school credit.

Transcript Worksheet

Transcripts are provided for high school students enrolled in Above and Beyond Academy.

High School Assistance & Counseling

Continuing homeschooling through the high school years is a privilege and the natural continuation of earlier training.

Services for High School

One on one student counseling with the high school counselor

Planning appropriate courses with the high school counselor

Close monitoring of high school progress and courses

Concurrent college classes

Work permits

Job interview training

Driver’s education classes

Letter of recommendation for college when appropriate

Commencement Graduation Ceremony

Diploma and Transcript

High School Exit Requirements

Must use and accomplish high school level curriculum.

In addition to the required course of study described in the High School Planning and Graduation Policy, each   graduate candidate is required to submit an academic portfolio to the Administrator.

Must pass CHSPE to graduate or receive a score of 854 on the SAT I

       (A combined score from the Critical Reading and Math sections)

       Or a score of 16 on the ACT.

All graduation requirements are designed to maintain the integrity and credibility Above and Beyond Academy has diligently worked to establish for its home educated students. In order for an Above and Beyond Academy diploma to be credible, all who receive it must demonstrate a desirable standard of academic achievement.

Above and Beyond Academy members may log-in HERE for more in-depth information regarding high school courses, requirements, driver’s education, work permits, counseling, and college planning.

For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.

They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11

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